Thank you for highlighting this Faisal! I served in Afghanistan, helped a small school start, dug a bunch of wells for the villagers to have fresh water, and watched with immense pain as my heart broke when we abandoned Afghanistan.

This helps. I pray these girls and women never give up.

Thank you for sharing this!

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Muslim Feminists: Khadija was an empowered businesswoman, and Aisha was a university professor and a teacher for men. We must follow the example of the mothers of the believers.

{And stay in your houses, and do not display yourselves like that of the times of ignorance...}

ال{وَقَرْنَ فِي بُيُوتِكُنَّ وَلَا تَبَرَّجْنَ تَبَرُّجَ الْجَاهِلِيَّةِ الْأُولَى...

"Muslim" Feminists also:

No, we don't have to follow this orders. It is not ours; It is for mothers of believers only..

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@Smarmy, not to belittle or be critical of you work in any way whatsoever, why would you have to dig wells so that villagers have access to fresh water? What stops them from digging wells themselves? This is something that always puzzled me about this humanitarian effort.

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We're talking about villages with mud huts, no electricity, no cars, no indoor restrooms, a few farm tools, all dirt roads - heck even the school was just a large mud hut with windows carved out of it. And the only way the school could operate was if it was next to our patrol base, which was nothing more than a patch of dirt with 4 dirt berms for protection.

They just simply didn't have the means to do it. It is the poorest country in the entire world after all. We weren't in any big cities that might have had any such amenities.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

Thank you for your courage and perseverance to show women their sovereign strength.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

This is amazing. If Americans don’t start fighting back and voting, this is what America will look like. Book banning, rewriting the history books is already happening. I hope someday Afghanistan will be free and girls can be educated without fear of death or imprisonment.

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You are so right! We are headed down a very dangerous path with the GOP nonsense of misogyny, racism , and authoritarianism.

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This massive discrepancy exists despite the fact that there is no gender bias in the law favouring females.

Whether you like it or not, the welfare system forces you as a man to pay for single women, many of whom, as you know, are degenerates.

Without welfare and all kinds of affirmative action promoting women in the workplace, women can't support themselves. The feminist welfare state just distributes the burden of taking care of women to all working men. So you, as a man, have the burden of financially supporting these women without any benefit in return, women who will berate you and call you an incel if you disagree with how stunning and brave they are.

Basically, Western liberalism forces you as a man to fund the lifestyle of women drinking, sleeping around with a new man every night, popping antidepressants like candy, and going to the women's march on weekends to whine about how oppressed they are. You're literally subsidizing all that.

Women being free is not free. Someone has to foot the bill.

Islam says, no. No one gets a free ride. If you want to be taken care of, you have to be in a marriage as an obedient wife. And if you don't want to be an obedient wife, go be a burden on your father, who didn't raise you right. And if you don't want to live under your father's roof, go live in the wilderness or beg on the streets. See how long you last there.

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Your not selling any tickets to this show, my man. Way to represent!

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Liberal modernists and feminists will feign outrage, but their moral system is what creates this situation.

Liberal principles of individual choice, female empowerment, and destruction of patriarchy create a society of people who have no family to take care of them in their old age.

The liberal feminist solution to this problem is to create more welfare programs. What this means is that they want the elderly to live alone in what are essentially pods, their only human interaction being with "care" takers to check if they're still alive once a week.

Let me put it like this. The only human solution is for the elderly to be surrounded by loving family in their old age. The only way to get that is patriarchy, gender roles, and other limitations on individual freedom. But the liberal mind cannot allow any of that. So the elderly will continue to suffer and liberal feminists and modernists will continue to pretend like they care about humanity.

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The Peaceful Enlightened Philosophy of Liberalism: Unless your country allows its daughters to open an onlyfans account and have sex on camera with 10 men at the same time, you will be considered an oppressive misogynistic, theocratic regime. And we WILL starve you to death with sanctions, bomb your children into ash, and rape any survivors into oblivion.

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Liberal modernists and feminists will feign outrage, but their moral system is what creates this situation.

Liberal principles of individual choice, female empowerment, and destruction of patriarchy create a society of people who have no family to take care of them in their old age.

The liberal feminist solution to this problem is to create more welfare programs. What this means is that they want the elderly to live alone in what are essentially pods, their only human interaction being with "care" takers to check if they're still alive once a week.

Let me put it like this. The only human solution is for the elderly to be surrounded by loving family in their old age. The only way to get that is patriarchy, gender roles, and other limitations on individual freedom. But the liberal mind cannot allow any of that. So the elderly will continue to suffer and liberal feminists and modernists will continue to pretend like they care about humanity.

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Show me where in the Quran and Sunnah it says women (or men) have the right to a college education. Where does it say that?

Stop lying against Allah, stop making up some new liberal religion and calling it "Islam."

Just admit that your hot tears shed over lack of women's education are due to modern liberalism and have nothing to do with Islam.

PS - And don't tell me "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." This hadith is referring to Islamic knowledge concerning obligatory beliefs and actions, e.g., aqida, knowledge of how to pray, fast, etc. It does not include "college education." If it did include college education, then this hadith would mean getting a college education is obligatory and if you are not college educated, you have committed a sin and are liable for punishment from Allah. Which is a ludicrous interpretation no one accepts..

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you are a troll with a ludicrous interpretation no one accepts...

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You failed to show the evidence instead you start a name calling.

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You failed to stop being a troll.

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Theocrats suck, whichever deity they claim to speak for. MTG needs a history lesson (more than one, really).

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

Inspired by this story of massive resistance and commitment to education

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

Thank you for your courage and hard work!

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Extraordinary. Such bravery, such conviction. I’m cheering on all of these women and girls from the bottom of my heart ♥️ Education is the essential tool to battle oppression.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Faisal Saeed Al Mutar

A true hero! Thanks for sharing her important work 🙏

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Thank you for the factual reporting and interview. Reading about the courage of this woman is humbling and puts my life in perspective. May she and her students be protected and watched over!

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*Atheists claim that they are intellectually superior to religious people because they are willing to question their beliefs, whereas religious people are dogmatic and refuse to question their deepest beliefs and won't consider evidence that could potentially undermine those beliefs.*

Well, have you ever heard an atheist say:

"I wonder if constantly increasing individual freedom is a good thing."

"I was wrong about democracy being a viable system."

"Maybe the sexual revolution was a mistake."

"The evidence shows that equality of the sexes is destructive."

"Let's have a debate on if freedom of speech and religion is good for society."

"Could it be that women need fewer rights?"

I have never seen an atheist raise these questions or hold these positions up to serious scrutiny. Nor do they provide any evidence for their beliefs on these matters. They simply assert them and ridicule and mock anyone who disagrees with them..

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What bravery and integrity. This lady would give her life so the girls could be educated. In America I am afraid we do not treasure the opportunity to learn. We choose to be in constant battle debating own opinions nit promoting what works instead of working together to give our children the best education possible. Politics rules everything not common sense and what’s best for students. Is that why the United States falls so far behind other countries? Do we have the passion and courage to fight for all kids? Let’s get back to caring about each other and having very high educational standards.

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Show me where in the Quran and Sunnah it says women (or men) have the right to a college education. Where does it say that?

Stop lying against Allah, stop making up some new liberal religion and calling it "Islam."

Just admit that your hot tears shed over lack of women's education are due to modern liberalism and have nothing to do with Islam.

PS - And don't tell me "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." This hadith is referring to Islamic knowledge concerning obligatory beliefs and actions, e.g., aqida, knowledge of how to pray, fast, etc. It does not include "college education." If it did include college education, then this hadith would mean getting a college education is obligatory and if you are not college educated, you have committed a sin and are liable for punishment from Allah. Which is a ludicrous interpretation no one accepts..

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Thank you for this post. Neda: You are one brave woman. I shudder to think what the Taliban is doing to the women of your country. And I don’t think there is anything on this earth that can change them. I pray to my God that women like you get through life as best you can, without harm. I cry as I write this, as no small insignificant person like myself can stop your oppression. If only……

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Show me where in the Quran and Sunnah it says women (or men) have the right to a college education. Where does it say that?

Stop lying against Allah, stop making up some new liberal religion and calling it "Islam."

Just admit that your hot tears shed over lack of women's education are due to modern liberalism and have nothing to do with Islam.

PS - And don't tell me "Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim." This hadith is referring to Islamic knowledge concerning obligatory beliefs and actions, e.g., aqida, knowledge of how to pray, fast, etc. It does not include "college education." If it did include college education, then this hadith would mean getting a college education is obligatory and if you are not college educated, you have committed a sin and are liable for punishment from Allah. Which is a ludicrous interpretation no one accepts..

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How can we help?

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We have a special fundraiser for underground schools in AFG https://ideasbeyondborders.org/donate

Thank you so much for your interest.

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That's it. Fraudulent

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Such an enlightening story, Faisal. Thank you so much for sharing this interview of such a courageous woman. This is the ultimate story of kindness. Kindness is powerful.

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While this is good information and a compelling story of bravery and dedication, I wonder at the wisdom in publishing it. I am sure there is enough information that the Taliban would have no difficulty finding her Center and using her and her students as an example.

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It's a fake. They want to defraud you

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Aren't you concerned about the Taliban reading this?

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He's a fraudster

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Found your Substack via a search - love it! Thank you for highlighting Neda's story. What a courageous and inspiring woman she is. I hope that she is still able to run her centers. This is divine work that she is doing!

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The world needs more people like Neda, someone willing to put her life at risk for the greater good of educating girls in Aghanistan.

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